Our Mission

JTTF is dedicated to providing hope to the community of people living with disabilities by offering financial assistance for adaptive equipment and services that will improve their quality of life.


Client Served

“I am SO thankful for JT and his vision of helping out children and families like mine. I can finally go to the grocery store with all 5 children and not have to worry about a big heavy wheelchair. We went in to get fitted for a new wheelchair only to find out we weren’t due for one for another few years. But, the physical therapist got us in touch with the JTTF and within a matter of a few months we received the new stroller. I love that I no longer have to hurt my back with a heavy stroller and most importantly Wyatt is comfortable. I cannot thank you enough Carmen for all of the dedication you have put into this dream. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Professional in field

“The JTTF has been instrumental in assisting the pediatric special needs population in Jacksonville. They have provided medical car seats, gait trainers, positioning chairs and medical strollers to children and families with grace and compassion. The JTTF understands that these items are not “luxury items” as the insurance companies often state. The JTTF also assists caregivers in sharing equipment that their child has outgrown through their Community Facebook page.”

Client Served

“My son Dylan was born with a congenital heart defect, and also had a stroke at the age of 2, which left him with severe disabilities. When we were struggling with providing the care he needed, JT Townsend stepped right in and helped us get through our hurdle and come out the other side shining! This is an amazing organization that makes you feel like family…I could never thank them enough for their selflessness. They are truly a gift from God.”

Client Served

“JT Townsend Foundation was there for my family when no one else was. Three years ago my husband, who suffers from a spinal cord injury and is wheelchair bound, was in the hospital. We weren’t sure at the time if he was going to make it or not. Needless to say I was missing a lot of work and the bills were still coming in. A friend told me about this foundation so I reached out to them to see if they may be able to help us with our rent for the month. Less than 48 hours later, Judy and Kelly had the check mailed out to me not only for the rent but with extra for groceries. When I spoke with them I could not stop crying because I was so relieved. My husband went to Brooks Rehab shortly after and I was able to return to work. I can never thank them enough for helping my family stay afloat during such a difficult time.”

Client Served

To laugh and cry at the same time. It’s what our experience was like when our son received his specially made bike to help him strengthen his legs and be able to walk. He had the biggest smile and took his first ride as soon as it was off the truck.

JT Townsend Foundation was there for us when we had no other options. They live to help children like our son and our family.

Please help support the JT Townsend Foundation and keep JT’s dream alive.”